We wrapped last night around 12:30am!
First, we filmed the beautiful, talented Kathryn Budig (www.kathrynbudig.com) demonstrating with the ySTRAP. She showed us the poses she recommends her students to use ystraps with, as well as a few that she has mastered in her own personal practice with the help of "little orange" as she calls it! She is such a pro and a delight to have in the office. She has a bright loving aura and loves to laugh, just like all of us here at yogitoes! We LOVE her! (i was so excited to be shooting with her, i forgot to pull out the camera so I could take photos of her!) But you'll see what we shot on video soon enough!
Next was Senior Iyengar teacher Lisa Walford (http://tinyurl.com/lh8pqd). Again, i had not pulled out the camera for still shots... oops! Lisa was so amazing. She is so centered and calm and the perfect model for Asana. When I said that to her, she replied, "well after 30 years of practicing daily, I'd sure hope so!" She has been teaching in LA since 1982 and really understands yoga and is especially well versed in yoga props, being that Iyengar yoga always uses quite a few props. She is a big enthusiast of the SHIVA pillow and has given it to Guruji (Mr. BKS Iyengar) in person! She demonstrated SO many postures using our props, it was really an honor to have her in the studio!

They showed some great theraputic uses for our props. We are definitely going to shoot more of these two, as they have a VAST knowledge of yoga, anatomy, and yoga therapy. It is so fun to see sports medicine variations that incorporate our props!
This photo is Terra demonstrating a kneeling psoas stretch using 2 SHIVA pillows (one under the knee and one under the forearm.)
We LOVE the yoga doctors. Everytime I meet with them I learn something new and want to go home and try it out with my husband!

Annie spoke at length about her CD, relaxDEEPLY and the importance of restorative yoga. (we couldn't agree more!) One-take-Annie who is just as comfortable in front of a camera as she is teaching one of her Vinyasa Flow classes, was a dream to have, as usual! She has such confidence and grace in everything she does! After speaking to the camera she demonstrated a few restorative poses that are taught on the relaxDEEPLY CD. Pictured here is Viparita Karani (one of my favorites)... also known as legs-up-the-wall and waterfall pose. Our camera man Grant, who doesn't practice yoga took a look at this pose and started to consider taking up a practice!
Next up was Krista Cahill (www.kristacahill.com) worked up a sweat and showed how useful the

Our final yogitoes enthusiast was Brock Cahill. (www.gravitycowboy.com).
Brock also g
It was SO much fun to have the Fabulous Cahill Duo doing what they do at yogitoes! Their enthusiasm and energy is contagious! I would LOVE to go on a retreat with them one day... They have such a buoyancy about them individually and as a couple. They make everything they do look like such fun! It make me feel like, "ooh! I want to try that!"
Here is a youtube video of stills I took while Brock was being filmed... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPebJBuu34Y
Still excited and revved up after Krista and Brock left, we had Susan Nichols, our founder and creator sit down and tell her inspirational story of how yogitoes came to be. Who would have thought that slipping in an Ashtanga Room would bring about all that it has!
Here is a shot of Susan surrounded by our full collection of props by yogitoes!