by Krista Cahill
"without it... i would have never experienced the BLISS that is Bakasana to Handstand!”
KRISTA CAHILL fell in love with the practice of yoga in
1999 when she took her first Ashtanga class with Tim Miller. Since that day she has devoted her time and energy to exploring the numerous dimensions of yoga, both as teacher and student “I look forward each day to the possibility that my practice both on and off the mat can promote a greater awareness in our immediate need for global peace and unification. ALL is ONE.” Krista teaches retreats around the world and has regular classes based in Los Angeles for Home Simply Yoga. Krista teaches a vigorous Vinyasa Flow class filled with challenging arm-balances and inversions.
She believes that our obstacles are our greatest blessings.
LA Class schedule:
MON/WED 12:30-1:30 Vinyasa Flow with Core Work Level 2
TUE/THUR 6:20-7:40 Vinyasa Flow Level 3/4
SUNDAY 10:15-11:45 Vinyasa Flow Level 3/4
Krista and her husband Brock Cahill live their Yoga together in Venice Beach, California.
Email krista at: krista@kristacahill.com
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